Increase sales through search engine optimization
E-Commerce Web site Search Engine was indexing products on keywords and descriptions but does not provide advanced features to sort the result by most relevant search result expected by customers.
Implement a new search engine in 3 months easy to use easy to use for Marketing and Sales people.
The challenge is also to rank product according to customers expectation.
An example : A customer searched for Milk, products which appeared on head of the search result was beauty creams. Because most occurences of Milk was described on this kind of product instead of Milk to drink.Another expected features was to associate specific Swiss words which was not by default in product description like “Papier Ménage” commonly used in Swizterland for “Essuie-Tout”.
Carte blanche to have a new powerful search engine
Perform a search engine market study.
Conduct the Request For Proposal and define SLAs for search result execution
Supervise project implementation (Hybrid : website on premises + request handling in SaaS), timeline execution according to planning, costs vs budget.
Organise change management and testing with Marketing and Sales department
Ensure rollout of the new search engine
Above expectation of 10 chf improvment for average basket in one year
Dramatic increase of average basket size of 10 CHF per order from 204 CHF to 214 CHF in one year.
Commitment of Marketing and Sales to rank most relevants products according to customers expectation.
Solution implemented under budget, on time and needed only 5 days of developments on the web site side.
Search results above expectation both for business and IT performances.